Would you ever put your vibrator on display? Or is your collection of sex toys safely tucked away where no one can find them except you?
We were very inspired by Lara E Parker's set of shelves this week where she has her toys on display - and a very fine display it is!
It got us thinking about the secrecy and shame that perhaps still surrounds sex toys. Do you talk to your friends about your new toys? Indeed, do you show your friends your toys?
When Ruby Glow was still in the design stages Tabitha was very clear that she didn't want it to 'look' like a vibrator. Nowadays, with the gorgeous colours and designs out there, you'd be hard pushed to be able to pick out a vibrator from a piece of art.
"I love life drawing and sculpture and when I was thinking about the shape I wanted for Ruby Glow, I firmly had the image of a reclining woman in my head." Tabitha (Ruby Glow inventor) explains. "I wanted the shape to be reminiscent of a figure in sensual repose. I wanted it to be unrecognisable as a vibrator so that you might not be embarrassed if it was lying about or spotted on the security scanners in the airport. But most of all, I wanted it to look beautiful as well as feel good."
Now, sex toys are an absolute thing of wonder. We are grateful to people like Lara who are so open about their vibrator collection and in turn, their sexuality.
In a time when we can still feel that female desires and sensuality are censored or less celebrated, it is wonderful to see those who are loud and proud. Let's normalise sex toy use! Let's normalise the joy and brilliance of being able to give ourselves orgasms! Our bodies are incredible and can bring us so much pleasure - and that's nothing to be ashamed or shy about.
Follow Lara on social media to hear her incredible, inspiring and often difficult journey with chronic pain, endometriosis, vaginismus and how it impacts her sexual experience.
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